Dry sorting/Planer mill
Dry sorting/Planer mill
Dry sorting/Planer mill
Dry sorting/Planer mill
Dry sorting/Planer mill
Dry sorting/Planer mill
Dry sorting/Planer mill
Dry sorting/Planer mill
Dry sorting/Planer mill
Dry sorting/Planer mill
There have been major changes regarding the final sorting of lumber in recent years.
One important factor is the increasingly competent measure and scanning systems available in the market. With these systems, the limitations of the human eye and its assessment is removed, bringing forth a more consistent sorting regardless of runtime.
This has contributed to a substantially increased capacity for sorting facilities in recent years, as the role of the operator has shifted from sorting lumber to monitor and planning. There has at the same time been a considerable progress mechanically as well as in control and drive systems.
We at CGV have integrated most of the scanner systems available on today’s market
Read more about our products here!
Dry sorting
Here at CGV we have extensive experience of constructing dry sorting's and can today deliver scalable facilities that can be expanded for greater capacity.
These systems are tasked with receiving lumber after the drying process, cutting it to various lengths and sorting the lumber after its correct qualities. After packages of lumber emerge from the package stacker, they should for the most time be wrapped and prepared for delivery to customers.
Automatization of processes has been in focus in recent years so that the work of the operator would consist of monitoring and restocking material for the most part.
High-speed Planer mill
CGV have delivered several high capacity planer mills since the first one in 2007.
Instead of having the production pass through one dry sorting and one or several smaller planer mills, production is run through one dry sorting with an integrated planer.
This type of facility has been around for several years in North America and Europe and is particularly suitable for products that require a simpler type of planing.
CGV have developed this concept further and adjusted it for the conditions in the Nordic countries.